About the Author
Savannah James grew up in northern Virginia where she lived in a wonderful home with her parents and brother. When she was 12, she got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and it completely changed her life. It was through this diagnosis she discovered her love of books, which allowed her to escape the cruel reality of being disabled, and it was a no brainer that one day she would write books of her own.
She started her writing career on Wattpad under the username “solobarnes”, writing fanfiction in the Star Wars, Marvel, and Twilight fandoms throughout the duration of her high school years. On that platform she gained over 2k followers and was awarded the "Official Wattpad Fanfiction" recognition and is included on Wattpad's fanfiction recommendation list for Marvel fanfiction. She transitioned into writing her debut novel, The Promise of Spring, in her freshman year of college. She was lucky enough to get it published nearly a year and a half later.
Savannah is incredibly close with her family, has amazing friends, and is lucky enough to be getting an education, majoring in anthropology and religious studies. She intends to specialize in the origins and evolution of Ancient Greek mythology when she goes to grad school. Hopefully one day she'll become a professor, a profession that would fulfill her dark academia obsession as well as give her time to write.
Besides reading and writing, Savannah loves to watch movies, play Minecraft, journal, listen to any audio media (music, YouTube, podcasts), do witchy things (She’s a self-proclaimed agnostic green witch), shop, obsess over fictional characters, cry over Taylor Swift, and play with her dogs (Rey and Chewy are their names. Yes, like from Star Wars)